TWIN - Incorrect operation of telephony – Incident details

Сервис телефонии experiencing partial outage

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Incorrect operation of telephony

Partial outage
Started 2 days ago



Partial outage from 10:19 AM to 12:00 AM

Сервис телефонии

Partial outage from 10:19 AM to 12:00 AM

  • Update

    Outgoing calls are made successfully. Calls work. The bot connects to the conversation.

    At the moment we are seeing a high load on the telephony service. How this can manifest itself:

    • Calling task statuses and candidate statuses are updated with a delay

    • Candidates in the call assignment are processed slowly

  • Monitoring

    The service is operating normally.

    We are monitoring the operation of the service.

  • Investigating

    How it manifests itself: outgoing calls are stopped, outgoing calls are stopped. The status of outgoing calls and candidates may not change.

    Our specialists are working to resolve this issue.