TWIN - Incorrect operation of telephony – Incident details

All systems operational

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Incorrect operation of telephony

Partial outage
Started 3 months agoLasted 9 days



Partial outage from 10:19 AM to 11:30 AM

Сервис телефонии

Partial outage from 10:19 AM to 11:30 AM

  • Resolved


    The telephone service operates in normal mode. No failures were detected during the observation period.

    Outgoing calls are made successfully. Calls are running. The bot is connected to the conversation. The statuses of the calling tasks and candidates are updated.

  • Update

    Outgoing calls are made successfully. Calls work. The bot connects to the conversation.

    At the moment we are seeing a high load on the telephony service. How this can manifest itself:

    • Calling task statuses and candidate statuses are updated with a delay

    • Candidates in the call assignment are processed slowly

  • Monitoring

    The service is operating normally.

    We are monitoring the operation of the service.

  • Investigating

    How it manifests itself: outgoing calls are stopped, outgoing calls are stopped. The status of outgoing calls and candidates may not change.

    Our specialists are working to resolve this issue.