TWIN - Synthesis does not work in the scenarios of the new LC. – Incident details

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Synthesis does not work in the scenarios of the new LC.

Degraded performance
Started 7 months agoLasted 4 days



Degraded performance from 5:51 PM to 3:55 AM, Operational from 3:55 AM to 12:28 PM

Редактор сценариев

Degraded performance from 5:51 PM to 3:55 AM, Operational from 3:55 AM to 12:28 PM

  • Resolved

    It's decided.

    Synthesis in the new LC works. Phrases and variables are spoken.

  • Investigating

    How it manifests itself: in scripts created before 03/29/24, synthesis does not work. Phrases are not spoken. Variables can be spoken.

    Workaround: You can make a copy of the script. In a copy, synthesis will work.

    Our specialists are already working on a solution.