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You cannot view calls in a calling task

Partial outage
Started about 2 months ago Lasted about 15 hours


Личный кабинет
  • Resolved

    It's decided.

    Through a global search you can find conversations, incoming and outgoing calls.

  • Investigating

    We are still seeing incorrect data loading. Conversation history does not load in advanced search

    We apologize for the inconvenience, our specialists are working to resolve this issue.

  • Resolved

    It's decided.

    Now in the call task on the Calls tab, the data is loaded. The candidate's calls are also downloaded when he clicks on "show call details".

  • Identified


    Relevant for both old and new offices.

    In the old personal account: in the dialing service, the Calls tab and the “show call details” button

    In the new personal account: in the calling tab, the Calls tab.

  • Investigating

    How it manifests itself: in a call task, when you go to the Calls section, the message “The list of candidates is empty” is displayed. In the Candidates section, if you click “show call details”, the list of calls for the candidate does not open.

    We are already working to resolve this issue.